I know many of you can relate when I say that I’m always in a rush in the mornings. I don’t know how I do it, but it doesn’t really matter how early I wake up, that I always feel like I’m running late. But, by now I’ve found a way to be more efficient and prioritise my sleep. I always make sure to leave all prepared the night before so all I have to care about in the morning is to get what’s on the table, get ready, add some nice accessories, put on some perfume, and leave.

I’m both obsessed with gold jewellery and perfumes, and I never leave the house until I’m wearing both, and always carefully chosen depending on the occasion. I feel like they’re really personal and can make a huge change in your outfit and appearance. As well as I spend time selecting my accessories, I do as well with the smell J decide to wear, always depending on what I’m doing and how I’m feeling.

Because of this reason, I keep both on the same shelf, and you can easily guess that it’s my favourite part of the room. I always make sure it looks aesthetically pleasing, and that I maintain it very well organised so I can easily find what I’m looking for in the morning or whenever needed. This shelf is constantly changing since I try to find the best way to organise everything, especially when it comes to jewellery, since I have too much and it’s easy to lose an earring or for a necklace to get tangled. But it’s all about making sure that your favourite and most worn pieces are the easiest to reach for, and then carefully store the rest, so you’re taking proper care of it.

Which is your favourite part of your room? How do you store and organise your jewellery and perfume? Definitely tell me so in the comments down below and I’ll be glad to read!

Love and lipstick ❤

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Follow @thegoldlipstick on Instagram


I know many of you can relate when I say that I’m always in a rush in the mornings. I don’t know how I do it, but it doesn’t really matter how early I wake up, that I always feel like I’m running late. But, by now I’ve found a way to be more efficient…

10 responses to “MY FAVOURITE SHELF”

    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      Aww thank you lovely!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


  1. My favourite part of the room is my bed (obviously, because a healthy sleep pattern is so important) and my closet!

    I’m also a huge perfume addict. I like to switch scents from time to time.

    Lots of love,
    Jolien from


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      That’s definitely a great answer too! A good night sleep is a must!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


  2. Melody Jacobs Avatar

    I like my bedside
    You’re is so cut and organized


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      Thank you so much!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


  3. So gorgeous! I love gold jewelry too and TBH I don’t yet have a fave part of my room because right now it needs to be organized. But thanks for sharing your faves and it is inspiring me to organize a bit more!



    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      I’m a pretty organised person so I always make sure everything looks nice!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


  4. All of the items are beautiful! I love that the whole vibe seems vintage 🙂


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      Aww thank you dear!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


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