3 minutes



Even though there¡s still a while until Valentine’s day, I thought that it’s always better to prepare things in advance, so that’s why today I’m giving you some gift ideas for that special date. Also, I wanted to remind you that there’s no need to have a couple in order to celebrate this day. You can gift yourself something as a symbol of self-love, to a really good friend, or a beloved family member.

A great choice, and such a typical one, is a jewellery piece. It is something valuable that will last so long, so make sure you pick the right piece for that special person. You already know how much I love gold jewellery so, for me, this would be a great gift idea.

I would recommend you to go to the basics if you don’t really know their personal style very much, but you could also look for handmade jewellery Brisbane couples can get on Valentine’s Day, because customized pieces are so unique and special, so it’s great for a day like this one.

Another gift could be your love words. Tell that person why she/he is so important for you, or tell them a memory of you from the past. Words are such a powerful thing we have, and a letter to your beloved someone would be a really beautiful gift. Also, to make it more interesting, you could create a romantic message in a bottle, which is so original and cool.

Something else that is a simple but great gift is photos. Nowadays we take loads of photos from our phones, so I’m sure you’ll have some together. Print them and create an album or a collage, and write some notes or the dates from when the photos were taken. Photos remind you to memories you’ve created together along the years, and that is such a great gift to have. Also, both the letter and the photo album, are things that you can’t go and buy at a shop, so that shows that you’ve invested your time creating something for that person, and I think that is such a valuable gift.

But, not always materialistic gifts are the best choice. In my opinion, I prefer living experiences and creating memories rather than having a new item. That’s why doing something together this day is a great choice too. Try doing something different than what you usually do, but there’s no need to do something crazy. Just enjoy your time together and creating beautiful memories for the future. From having a walk, to a coffee date, going to a restaurant, going to the cinema, ice skating, and many other activities that are not so expensive and so much fun to do.

So these are the few gift ideas I have for Valentine’s day. As I said, there’s no need to be in a relationship with someone to celebrate this day. There are many kinds of love, from the one you should have with yourself, to friends and family, and it is so important to show them as well your love for them.

Do you like these gift ideas? Do you have any other? Definitely tell me so in the comments down below and I’ll be glad to read!

Love and lipstick ❤

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Even though there¡s still a while until Valentine’s day, I thought that it’s always better to prepare things in advance, so that’s why today I’m giving you some gift ideas for that special date. Also, I wanted to remind you that there’s no need to have a couple in order to celebrate this day. You…

12 responses to “VALENTINE’S DAY GIFT IDEAS”

  1. def looking into the message in the bottle thanks for the tips



    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      You’re welcome!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      Really soon actually!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      You’re welcome!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      Glad you like it!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar
      The Gold Lipstick

      So true! Or wine!

      Mireia from TGL ❤


    1. The Gold Lipstick Avatar

      Happy Valentine’s day!

      Mireia from TGL ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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